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Is ChatGPT better at giving career advice

Is ChatGPT better at giving career advice than most bosses? Apparently, Gen Z thinks so Lately there’s been a trend among young employees, specifically for those who are part of “Gen Z”, and this is something you were never expecting. Turns out, now young people are recurring to ChatGPT for career advice instead of their –very-human bosses. According to a

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Why are mentors so important for new legal assistants?

Why are mentors so important for new legal assistants?   The value of mentorship cannot be understated. In any field, in any industry, the process of teaching newcomers how to properly complete assignments are essential for success.   This is also the case for new legal assistants, whether they have experience or not, coming into a new job always takes certain adjustment

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Decoding the power of inspiring your team with talent optimization

Decoding the power of inspiring your team with talent optimization If you’ve been reading the previous parts of the in-depth look at how talent optimization works, you can imagine how important is to be able to inspire your team, the human element of your whole business equation and the part talent optimization is going to take care of. Now inspiration

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Hiring is an art and I’m going to show how to master it

Hiring is an art and I’m going to show how to master it One of the many benefits of implementing an effective talent optimization strategy is that it gives you all the tools to master the art of hiring. And yes, hiring IS an art and a tricky one at that. Most people either don’t give it too much importance

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Unleashing the full power of your team

Unleashing the full power of your team Building a team can be difficult for many reasons. Like, for example: Not knowing how well each person is going to fit in with each other or your core values as a company. There’s just so much that a couple of interviews and a resume can tell you about someone, and after, it

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Why is talent optimization the secret to making your business finally liftoff

Why is talent optimization the secret to making your business finally liftoff (And how you apply it now…) What is your job as a business leader? To make your company reach the goals that you set and beat the competition.  But how do you do that?   It all starts with the people you bring in to make your vision come

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How to Be More Productive: The Eisenhower Matrix

How to be more productive: The Eisenhower Matrix In our fast-paced world, where time is a precious resource, staying productive has become more critical than ever. The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a simple yet powerful tool that can transform the way we approach tasks, decisions, and time management. In this article, we will delve into

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